Holding Back the Tide is part of CoastNet’s Education and Community Outreach Program.
CoastNet is an independent sustainable development charity, working in the UK, Europe and beyond.
· We work with individuals and communities, to promote a just society and to encourage personal responsibility in caring for coastal communities and environments.
· We provide practical knowledge, to promote excellence amongst those working in coastal policy and practice.
· We influence policy through multidisciplinary research, to better understand coastal issues and to generate sustainable development solutions
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1 Response to “Holding Back the Tide & CoastNet”

  1. 1 Whitebear July 5, 2008 at 6:21 pm

    Dear Sir,

    Re;- The Effects of Global Warming on Our British Coastline.

    Assuming that our best efforts at reducing our Carbon Footprint come to fruition. There is no guarantee that the predicted Coastal Erosion and Flooding of Low Lying Areas of the British Isles will not occur. Quite the opposite as there is no guarantee that the rest of the world can or will achieve their Environmental targets.
    We are even now making contingency plans for if and when the flooding happens.

    We are not the only Country faced with these dilemmas.

    Therefore, should my proposed solution be implemented and prove effective, it could be adopted by those other Countries.



    We have a huge pollution problem INLAND. Enormous quantities of surplus vehicle tyres, which we are NOT ALLOWED to BURN. There are a number of schemes trying to SHRED these tyres and use the resultant shreddings for other purposes.
    At the very best; a not very Environmental OR Economic process; due the steel infrastructure of even the smallest tyre.

    But one that creates A HUGE CARBON FOOTPRINT due to the amount of Electricity required.

    It is becoming a very EXPENSIVE process for the GENERAL PUBLIC/ELECTORATE who have to pay either by local or State taxation to dispose of this NECESSARY waste (as long as things move on wheels‘ tyres will be required.) BUT WHAT OF THE BIG TYRES? The ones used by Earth Movers, Dump trucks etc?


    An imminent disaster threatens the lands claimed from salt marshes and converted into useful farm lands; BY MEN OF VISION. The finest Engineers in the World employed every resource to channel the water from the land to the sea. We need such men again to prevent the sea returning the land to salt marsh, flooding towns and villages, even our Capital city stands in jeopardy.


    In brief;-
    Using the layered tyres; we form a “rubber land mass”.

    Instead of having huge piles of tyres cluttering up the country INLAND; we lay them on the ground, securing them together with wire or some other means, say quarter of a mile inland from the shore where there is no cliff or land buttress.
    The tyres are graded by size and laid in layers.
    Then laying a second and third layer until the “rubber land mass” reaches our new “coastline”.
    The honeycomb of tyres could be filled with fly ash or some other waste granular material thus forming a solid mass.
    The final covering could be of soil or composted refuse. It would then not take nature long to cover the “rubber land mass” with grass and other fauna. Suitable shrubs and trees could be planted to help secure and anchor the tyres with their roots.
    Because of the flexibility provided by using joined together tyres; like “Lego Blocks” there is no reason why the “rubber land mass” cannot be formed into hills and vales.

    The “new land” would remain countryside coastline, pasture, meadow, perhaps even copse or woodland. It would not be suitable for construction. But it would protect our Island.

    I am not a Civil Engineer, my idea is simple in it’s concept.
    As long as people keep it simple, I feel it is imminently achievable.
    To obtain the tyres? If those with them are reluctant to part with them; use Compulsory Purchase, after all, they will be used to SAVE our LAND.
    The infill material?
    I am certain our coal fired power stations could be persuaded to donate it free and gratis. Should that prove insufficient the Northeast of England is covered in near mountainous Slag Heaps from the Mines and Pits.
    Reduce the mountains of slag to molehills of Coastline.

    Thank you, if you have taken the time to read this.

    This solution is a contribution to reducing Britain’s Carbon Footprint.


    Paul Maddison.

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